Sunday, October 31, 2010

What A Week

What a week! Last Saturday, October 23 Jon David stayed with my dad while I went to a baby shower in Townsend for one of my sweet friends. Since I was away most of the day on Sunday Jonathan and I took the dogs and Jon David to the park. He LOVES being outside! The dogs were way past due for an outing!
The leaves were beautiful, not that you can tell.
Jon David is getting much more alert and aware. It is so fun to watch him as he takes things in!
On pretty afternoons I sit his saucer on the deck and he loves to watch the leaves as the wind blows them. We have a ton of trees in our backyard, and they are so pretty right now!
This week we also got to visit with Jonathan's Aunt Jane who came in from Florida. She was able to love on Jon David on Wednesday. My Aunt Terry came in from Nashville, and she came to visit him on Thursday!
Friday morning my dad had the morning off so he and mom came over bright and early to play with Jon David. Later that day we had Jon David's 4 month Dr. appointment. He weighed 14 pounds. The doctor gave us the go ahead to start cereal...
and boy did he LOVE it! He was in a daze after he ate it. He has been having some nap problems the past few weeks, but had been sleeping great through the night. He took the best nap he has taken all month. I had to go wake him after 2 1/2 hours. Hopfully the cereal will do the trick, and get him back on track!
Sweet messy boy!
Friday night Annissa babysat Jon David so Jonathan and I could go to Bravo with his Aunt Jane, Uncle Clyde, Art and Wendi. We had the best time!
On Saturday Jonathan and I took him to Target and Belk and he did great.
Today was Halloween so he dressed up in his first costume. Jonathan really wanted him to be a tiger. As Lil' Art says an Auburn Tiger!
It was a little bitter sweet we took him to see my Nana and Juju. The same thing Annissa and I used to do when we were little before we went trick-or-treating

Nana loves Jon David
Needless to say everyone thought he looked adorable, which of course he did!
Our next stop was Aunt Wendi and Uncle Art's. Lil Art was the first one to greet us. He was so excited to get his picture made with Jon David.
Next was Ruthies turn.
And then Tinsley

and lastly the Birthday girl who LOVES Jon "Dabit" or something to that affect. She always wants to hold him!
As a side note...Adie Rose I cannot believe you are three. I remember holding you almost every day when you were Jon David's size. I have loved watching you grow through the years. You are one very special little girl, not only because you are my namesake or my cousin but because of how God made your unique little slef, from your sweet giggles at Jonathan to your little spunk. We love you sweet girl and always will!

Ok sorry, last but not least we stopped by Honey and Grandaddy's so they could see Jon David and so he could get a much needed nap!
Jon David,
What a special day! Not just because you dressed up in your first costume, but because you have so many people who love you! I am so thankful for this week with you! It has been extra busy, but I have loved spending every minute with you by my side! You are getting to be so much fun. Your daddy and I love you so much and can't wait for many more years of "dress up."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ordinary Miracle

My dad made this video for me. As soon as it popped up I said I'm not going to cry and about 3 seconds in it took all I could do to not let my crying turn into sobbing! *Before watching make sure to turn the sound off of my playlist at the bottom!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Road Trip and 4 Months

On Friday, October 1 we loaded up when Jonathan got off of work and took Jon David on his first trip to Valley, Alabama. We stayed at Jonathan's parents, and they watched him while we went to the Auburn/Louisiana Monroe game. Can I just say we are LOVING Cam Newton! Dad told Jon David the other day if he was born just a few months later his name may be Cam or Newton.
Jon David got a ton of lovin from his Pop and NeNe. We are so thankful Jon David has 2 sets of grandparents who love him so much. Jonathan's dad always tells him, "you don't have a clue how much love is in store for you." It really is so true!
While we were at the game Jon David had a few visitors. I am so glad Jonathan's mom was able to show him off!
After we got home from the game, we cooked out with Jonathan's brother and his wife Amy. They fixed some of the fish they caught on their deep sea fishing trip last month! We were so glad they got to meet him.
Jon David loved meeting Brandon too!
I loved this blanket. It was Jonathan's when he was little. When Jon David was born, I finally gave up my Sesame Street pillow that I've had since I was 3. I figured now that I'm a mom I should probably grow up and get a grown up pillow case...but I still have my blanky!
He loved playing in the excersaucer while we were there! Seeing him in it makes me realize how stinkin big he is getting!
When we got home I brought up his jumperoo that his sweet cousin Asher is letting him borrow, and he LOVES LOVES LOVES it. He is content for 20-30 minutes at a time in it. It is so helpful for me at dinner time, but sometimes I just sit and watch him in it.
He has also started wearing a bib everyday. He has some major drool. Jon's mom said he got his first tooth at 3 months, but I'm hoping he holds off a little longer!
He is also starting to hold his toys and they go straight to his mouth!
Yesterday was his Aunt Sissa's birthday and Jon David's 4 month birthday. I really hope that's what he will call her. That is what mom dad and I have always called her. He has just gotten back on schedule since his trip and momma was ready to get out of the house. After his first nap we packed up and took Sissa lunch and a slice of coconut cream pie that I made.
I try to get pictures on his month birthday so here are a few of my sweet, sweet baby at 4 months. He has changed so much this month and is doing more. My favorite thing is to lay him flat and he will pull up to sitting and then to standing. He could not be more precious!