Friday, October 15, 2010

Road Trip and 4 Months

On Friday, October 1 we loaded up when Jonathan got off of work and took Jon David on his first trip to Valley, Alabama. We stayed at Jonathan's parents, and they watched him while we went to the Auburn/Louisiana Monroe game. Can I just say we are LOVING Cam Newton! Dad told Jon David the other day if he was born just a few months later his name may be Cam or Newton.
Jon David got a ton of lovin from his Pop and NeNe. We are so thankful Jon David has 2 sets of grandparents who love him so much. Jonathan's dad always tells him, "you don't have a clue how much love is in store for you." It really is so true!
While we were at the game Jon David had a few visitors. I am so glad Jonathan's mom was able to show him off!
After we got home from the game, we cooked out with Jonathan's brother and his wife Amy. They fixed some of the fish they caught on their deep sea fishing trip last month! We were so glad they got to meet him.
Jon David loved meeting Brandon too!
I loved this blanket. It was Jonathan's when he was little. When Jon David was born, I finally gave up my Sesame Street pillow that I've had since I was 3. I figured now that I'm a mom I should probably grow up and get a grown up pillow case...but I still have my blanky!
He loved playing in the excersaucer while we were there! Seeing him in it makes me realize how stinkin big he is getting!
When we got home I brought up his jumperoo that his sweet cousin Asher is letting him borrow, and he LOVES LOVES LOVES it. He is content for 20-30 minutes at a time in it. It is so helpful for me at dinner time, but sometimes I just sit and watch him in it.
He has also started wearing a bib everyday. He has some major drool. Jon's mom said he got his first tooth at 3 months, but I'm hoping he holds off a little longer!
He is also starting to hold his toys and they go straight to his mouth!
Yesterday was his Aunt Sissa's birthday and Jon David's 4 month birthday. I really hope that's what he will call her. That is what mom dad and I have always called her. He has just gotten back on schedule since his trip and momma was ready to get out of the house. After his first nap we packed up and took Sissa lunch and a slice of coconut cream pie that I made.
I try to get pictures on his month birthday so here are a few of my sweet, sweet baby at 4 months. He has changed so much this month and is doing more. My favorite thing is to lay him flat and he will pull up to sitting and then to standing. He could not be more precious!

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