Total weight gain?: 9 lbs. (I'll post til it gets rediculous!!!)
Symtoms?: Heartburn
How big is baby?: Over a pound! The size of an eggplant.
Sex?: Boy
Maternity Clothes?: Loving them! Just got my Easter dress.
Sleep?: I haven't been getting up as much (for now).
Energy?: I have a ton of energy right now!
Excercise?: I will get a ton moving to our new house this week!
Movement?: He still only moves early in the morning and late at night.
Food Cravings?: I am still into Sonic Strawberry Limeaids, but I am also loving Juicy Juice Juice boxes
What I am looking forward to?: Registering (hopefully the weekend after we move) and getting the nursery ready.
Preparations?: I started reading my first book and almost finished it at my 2 hour doctor appointment today!
Best Moment this week?: Going to consignment sales with Wendi. I was just so thankful that I am finally getting to do things like that! Also, Jonathan went out of town for work this weekend and I finished my 2009 scrapbook!