Two weeks ago you turned 15 months old. Mommy is way behind on blogging these days. Last week we went back to "the Valley" for the second time this month. Our first Trip was your Grandaddy Hall's 80th birthday party, and our second trip was for your dad to go deep sea fishing with your Pop and Uncle Brad. You spent the weekend with me, your NeeNee and your Aunt Amy. We had a great time shopping and catching up.
Here are a few things you can be found with on a daily basis:
Your blankey and passy
Other things you love:
*Pulling the things that hang from a fan
*Turning light switches
*Pushing the button to shut the garage door
*Opening the microwave
Here's what you are saying
Ball, MaMa, DaDa, Night-Night, Touchdown, Bye-Bye, Ut-oh, Thank you
Today Honey, Nana, and I took you to the New Harvest Park and you LOVED it. You can do so much more now that you are walking, and they had a great selection of things for you to play on. Later this week you will go to the Zoo for the first time.
I have so enjoyed our summer together. You are getting bigger and more independant everyday. I am so blessed to get to watch you grow and spend my days with you!
I love you,