After lunch we headed up the hill to Dr. Fields' office. This would now be my 2nd ultrasound at my OB, and for the 2nd time my sweet little baby boy would not "show" himself. He was laying indian style as tightly as he could be. I think the hot lunch put him to sleep. He moved ALL morning and I drank caffine with my lunch, but he was fast asleep! As soon as we got in the car he started kicking again. I called Jonathan to let him know how his little man had behaved and joked that he was stubborn like his daddy, to which he "replyed he moves around when I'm there." Hopfully next time at a little earlier appointment and his daddy right beside us he will "put on a show" and the ultrasound tech will officially say it's a boy.
Although my OB still isn't 100% the sex. We are very sure from the 17 week ultrasound at mom's office that it is a boy. I had to call mom again today after my appointment, so she could reassure me IT IS A BOY!
Even though today wasn't a total success, it was a very special day. It was very sweet to get to see dad get to hear the heartbeat for the first time, to see Jon David's sweet little self, and a great afternoon with my dad.
Hey u! LOVE the blog! Linked it to mine so that I can "follow" you and see how your sweet family grows! I know your daddy is so excited! He is such a good man. Jon David will have a wonderful grandfather! Jealous that you got to visit w/ Dr. Fields this week-there's another great man! You're surrounded! ~Kendra