Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's a GIRL & 2 year letter

It is so hard for me to blog during the summer. We are enjoying the weather and coming and going from vacations. Then when I get back to the blog it's so hard to catch up and do justice to what is truly going on.
At the beginning of the Summer (May 7) we found out we were expecting! We found out (July 11) It's a GIRL!!! We are very excited and thankful for this blessing.
In June we went to Hilton Head with my parents and my sister and her family. It was a great trip. We all LOVED Hilton Head. It is beautiful. We loved riding bikes everyday and so did Jon David. We didn't have the best weather, but we still had fun. We loved watching Jon David take in the ocean. He was fearless. He ran straight into the water full speed. Watching him really made our whole trip worth it.
On June 14 our baby turned 2. We took him to lunch and to Marble Slab. He lights up when we turn into the parking lot. This boy loves ice cream like his momma!

The following weekend we had a joint party for Asher and Jon David. We had a water inflatable and several friends and family who came to celebrate with both the boys. Jon David had a Yo Gabba Gabba theme and Asher had a Clifford theme. These boys are getting so fun to watch together. They are actually starting to play together. I am so glad they will have each other to grow up with!!!
This past week we went to Panama City with Jonathan's parents. We had much better weather. Jon David loved playing at the ocean and the pool. One night we took him to Pier Park and he rode a carousel for the first time. After the beach we went back to Jonathan's parents for several day and played in their pool and Jonathan and I got to spend an afternoon in Auburn.

I want to write each of my children a letter on their birthday each year. I've had several things I knew I wanted to write about this year, but I've been so emotional this pregnancy I've been putting it off. I don't know that I will always put the letters on the blog, but it's the best way I can keep up with it for now.
Dear Jon David,
You have become my partner in crime and my little buddy I run around with. I am so enjoying watching you learn and grow. I have truly tried to make this summer about US. I am loving spending time with you, and I know it won't just be me and you much longer. You are a sweet boy. One of the nursery workers told me the other day how kind you are to the other kids in class and how sweet you are to them. You are already making us proud.
I wanted to list somethings I never want to forget about this stage.
  •  How you fold your arms into my chest when you snuggle with me
  •  How you kiss me the sweetest right before bed, like you know it's the most important one
  •  How you look when you are figuring things out. You are so intent
  •  How when I carry you down the stairs you lay your head on my shoulder
  •  Listening to you say awesome and amazing from Yo Gabba Gabba
  •  How sweet you are when we have our bible story and prayer time each night.
We are in such a routine and you love routine. You are also comunicating with me so much better which has helped so much with break downs. You are such a sweet boy and I am so glad I get to be your mommy and spend each day with you.
You are already so good with you new baby cousin Lacy. I know you are going to be a sweet big brother. I can't wait to see you in your new role as a big brother. I know you will make us proud. I am already praying that the Lord would give you both a close relationship with each other. I am so glad you will get the gift of a sibling.
I truly love you more everyday sweet boy!

Monday, May 7, 2012

22 months

 This Easter we went to the Valley and had a fun time. We were looking forward to watching Jon David in the annual Easter Egg hunt, but he decided to be a stinker and missed the whole thing. He had to take 2 naps that day. He was so out of sorts. The next day we went to Jonathan's parents new church and it was very sweet. We didn't seem to get any great family shots this year. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed.
 Jon David looked so cute Easter morning. He is really turning into a little man and not a baby.
 Asher and Jon David had the best time playing in Jonathan's grandparents backyard. They love each other so much and it is so sweet to see them starting to play together.

 After Easter Jon David kept trying to get in this bucket. I finally showed him how to turn it over and sit on it. I started taking pictures and he started saying "cheese." Super Cute! Then 2 weeks later he saw my camera out. He went and got his bucket, pointed to the camera and said "more cheeeese," "more cheeese." He will also hold my Iphone up like he is taking a picture of himself and say "cheese."
He is really starting to play more with whatever is on hand. He loves puzzles and books! His #1 favorite thing is keys. He plays with mine all day then drops mine when his daddy walks in the door. He likes to put them in his tractor (where his daddy drilled a hole for them). If anyone walks in our door he asks for their keys. It is hilarious.
We make our grocery rounds on Fridays and we see our "regular" workers. They love him and he loves them. He blows kisses and tells them bye.
He loves to sing If your Happy and you Know it and does all the motions.
He can point to his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hair, checks, chin, belly, back, booty, arms, legs, hands, feet, and fingers.
He can say what a cow, pig, duck, chicken, dog, and cat say.
He is a great helper. He helps pick up toys. He finds specks on the floor and takes them to the trash can. He has also started bringing us a diaper and laying down when it's time to be changed.
We are in a new routine. I think he was needing a little more structure so our day is a little more planned out on the days we are home and he seems to be doing much better (less whining).
He is also getting to be more loving. He is in Alabama for the week and just typing this is making me miss him so much!
Around Easter I felt like he wasn't saying much, but since we got home his vocabulary has expanded.
Pray, fish, book, mama, honey (hon-nay), NeeNee, Pop, eat, Night-Night, Art, keys (dees), please, more, cheese, bottle, Maggie (Ma and Mo Ma for Move Maggie. He's heard his momma say this daily), poo poo (then laughs such a boy), love u, Nana, Bite, tickle-tickle, ball, 123 go, ut-oh, common (mon one of my faves), Dixie, no-no, dog, what's that?, teeth, nose, button (to close garage), boo, stop (he likes to say this to me and Jonathan), bye, See ya (another favorite), Dance, light, knock, knock, and Jonathan's favorite yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (like Troy Landry from Swamp People).
Last week Jon David has a stomach virus that lasted 6 days. He was off milk and his bottle so we went ahead and took the bottle away. Since he has been better. He has been putting the food away! He had started getting picky and was living on oatmeal, rasins, bananas, and yogurt, but now he is grabbing anything he can get! He will be 23 months next week and then it will only be a month until he is 2. Goodness I could not love him more.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

February/March Update

On Valentine's Day we went to Art and Wendi's for the sweetest party. Wendi made spaghetti and I brought a yummy Cheesecake Factory Red Velvet cheesecake. Wendi always does Valentines up right. It was so funny. All the kids got a gift and the cousins exchanged cards. Needless to say lots of chocolate was consumed!

The loves of my life!

Adie Rose and Asher Boy

Lil Art had a box from last year. Wendi and Rutie made everyone else a box to keep. They turned out so cute!

This past weekend Jonathan turned 30. I had been planning a surprise for him since September. I CANNOT believe I kept a secrect from him that long. We met his friends from Auburn at a cabin in Highlands, NC. We had the best weekend. I was a little sad it was over!

It was so sweet to watch the boys catch up. I think it was good for everyone to get away and catch up.

The girls had just as good of a time catching up. I think we ate our way through the weekend. We ate out a couple times and even got a little shopping in.
As much fun as we had I was glad to get home to this sweet 21 month old boy.

This picture shows what he does from the time he gets until the time he goes to bed. He gets my keys first thing in the morning and when Jonathan gets home he gets his. Jonathan drilled a hole in his tractor for keys and he LOVES it.

He is also doing the cutest thing where he says byebye and blows kisses to EVERYONE. The cashiers at the store love it. He did it to the doctor this week after the nurses did a strep test so the doctor wouldn't do anything else to him. He does it if he wants to go with someone or if he thinks it is time to leave or for someone to leave. It is very funny.

We have been going to family night supper at our new church on Wednesday nights. He loves running around with all the kids and he thinks he is so big. He is making lots of new friends these days. We have been having lots of playdates since it has been so warm, and I am loving it as much as he is! I feel like I always end by saying I will try to blog more, but honestly life is about to get crazy we have Easter, Anniversary, Wendi's baby coming, 2nd birthday, and 2 beach trips. Hopfully, I will try to post on all these exciting events. It really helped me to keep up my scrapbook last year, but time flies when you're having fun!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Day in our Life

What a sweet face to wake up to. Our mornings usually start around 9. You stir and then starts to cry out for me. I go get you and bring you back to my bed for about 5 minutes of snuggle time. Then I say you wanna go get a bottle? You will turn off the TV and reach for me to pick you up to take you down.

(I took this picture off 5 times. It is rough, but it is the way it is.)

You go to the dishwasher and I get your bottle out, fill it with milk, put it in the microwave, and then you reach for me to pick you up so you can get it out of the microwave when it is ready. You drinks your bottle while Live with Kelly is on. Then we go to the kitchen, where you turn on the light. I heat up your oatmeal. You eat every bite then sign for more, so I will cut up some grapes.

Most days we play at home, and always make sure to dance with Ellen. You love it! Some days with have playdates with different cousins or with friends. On this particular day we had a playdate with sweet Charlotte! Other days we will run errands, go see Nana, or Honey and Grandaddy.

About 1:30 you get another bottle and lunch. For lunch I try to get in some protein and veggies but you try to hold out for the sweets! Normally a banana and yogurt. You already know how to work the system.

About 2:00 you take about a 2 hour nap. Mommy works out, does her Bible study, catches up on emails, and preps dinner.

When you wake up you are ready to PLAY! You are always in a great mood after your nap and we do lots of running/chasing and tickling! You love to tickle mommy and say tickle-tickle-tickle.
You like to have a snack around 5. Daddy doesn't get home until 6:30, so you need a little something to hold you over!

I have been trying to give you milk in a sippy cup which you don't care for. You rather have water. You are trying to buck dinner. Whatever I make you don't want. I think you just don't want to sit still for dinner. I normally give you a 3rd bottle before bathtime, so you will have a full belly through the night. Although you aren't a dinner fan you do love to pray before dinner it is so sweet!

About 7:30 we start to wind down. I say "Are you ready for bath?" You get so excited give daddy a kiss and tell him byebye and reach for me to take you up! You only play about 5 minutes while I wash you, and we brush your teeth. You say all done and hand me every toy to put away. We go to my room to dry off, get on a fresh diaper, and get on pjs. Then we read your Jesus Storybook Bible, pray, and sing songs. Right now we are singing This is the Day, Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus, Jesus Loves me, and Jesus Lover of my Soul. I give you LOTS of kisses and then lay you down with your blankey and passy and you normally don't make a peep!

I haven't listed all the super cute things you are doing latley so I thought I should. I need to start doing this more often since you are doing new things every day! You try to snort like a pig when I ask what a pig says. You can say moo when I ask what a cow says. As soon as you see your Grandaddy you pat him down for his iphone, open it, go to your game, and play it. Your daddy made you a set of keys you will work on a door 30 minutes trying to open it. You love to lay on hot laundry out of the dryer. You recently worked 2 full days to be able to work your shape puzzle until you could do it perfectly.You love to say "no no ma" when Maggie barks. You love to hide in the pantry and pop out and say boo. You are cracking us up daily. You are a smart boy, and we love you so much!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Getting Real

I have never blogged to clear my mind, but there is a first time for everything. I made a resolution last year to lose weight, and I am a few pounds shy of losing 40 lbs. So what did I do this January? I made 8 resolutions. I wanted to write this post to remember and to be held accountable.
1. Lose the last few pounds. Which seems easy, but these last few are a KILLER
2. Cooking Lighter. I only changed the way I ate breakfast and lunch to lose weight and ate less at dinner, but now that Jon David is off baby food. I feel such a responsibility to ditch the chessy cream of mushroom casseroles and offer fresh lighter meals. I have tons of meals "pinned" and ready to go!
3. Lower the grocery bill. I just cannot GET the coupon thing, but I've GOT to try! I rarely see coupons for the things I use. I have been trying to shop around to get the best price and trying to stock up on sale items.
4. Quiet time I for sure need to be in the word more. I got 2 sweet devotionals for Christmas that I love. I don't feel so overwhelmed if I miss a day. Also, I try to read, pray, and sing with Jon David every night.
5. Christian music I can hear a song now that I listened to in the car with my dad and know every word. If the song comes on my eyes fill with tears, and I become so greatful for that legacy! Jon David watches Yo Gabba Gabba on silent when we travel, but it won't be long before he catches on to songs, and I want to leave that legacy with him. I want him to know praise and worship songs and even hymns!
OK the first 5 were easy but the next 3 are the BIG ones
6. Less Noise Through the day as I get a chance I will look on pinterest, twitter, facebook, and catch up on blogs (of people I don't even know! It's out of control). Before as Jon David was content I would check something out, but I have really been convicted to intentionally get in the floor more with him and wait til he is in bed before I check things out. I also try to limit my time when it is just Jonathan and I.
7. Less Shopping I am so blessed to get to stay home with Jon David and wouldn't trade it for the world. My sweet friend Sarah is not buying anything this year unless she has a gift card. WOW! I just don't know if I can go that far. Jonathan and I love to run in Ross, Marshall, TJMaxx, Burkes, or any other "cheaper" store. I am going to only buy one thing a month! This month it was a pair of $10.80 jeans from Forever 21. I know since I have lost weight I will need a few items in the spring/summer but I am limiting it to 5 items and will try to spend less than $60!
8. Get Involved In May we left our church home. It was a very hard decision. We LOVED our pastor, our lifegroup and our church in general but there was just one thing we were struggling with. Around the same time my dad began a church plant. We knew we would go to, but then the Lord changed Jonathan's heart. We started looking for a church in our community and FELL IN LOVE! The pastor is so sweet. It is a smaller church so there are lots of fellowship opportunities. Through the holidays we didn't get too involved, but next week Jon David and I will start going to family night supper and Bible Study together since Jonathan gets off so late. We have started a Sunday School class we enjoy, and I am really looking forward to meeting people. I really am praying this is the best decision for our family and in for our marriage. I already think it is. I have felt the Lord's leading and guiding so much during this time. Going from somewhere I knew everyone to somewhere I know no one has been a little lonely! I also started a Bible Study last night with some girls in our community that I LOVE!!! I am praying the Lord continues to open doors and bring the right people into our lives.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Through the holidays I really didn't have a chance to blog. Jon David's naps are getting shorter and I workout during his naps. Then the following picture was for Jonathan's parents for Thanksgiving and I loved it too much to post it too early and ruin their surprise!
Through the holidays Jon David turned 18 months. He is doing the funniest things
He loves to tell our dogs no when they bark. He runs to the stair every night when I ask if he's ready for bath. He can throw diapers away and put bottles in the sink. I think he may be tidy like his mommy.

We had a great low key Thanksgiving. We went to Jonathan's Aunt Judy's house. It was a beautiful day. We ate a great lunch and then stayed outside all afternoon.

This is what Jon David did for HOURS!!!

On Christmas Eve we went to Mom and Dad's early to have Christmas with them and the grandbabies. Then Jon David got a nap. We went to Dad's sisters' and then back to Mom and Dad's for mom's family get together. I LOVE Christmas. Not really the gifts but spending time with family!

Jon David did NOT love Christmas. He pitched a fit everywhere we went and wanted no part of opening gifts. Maybe next year.

I did at least get a good family picture and Jonathan smiled!!!

It took Jon David about 15 min to react to his presents Christmas morning. The hits were the slide, the tractor, and the Yo Gabba Gabba boombox.

An example of Jon David's love of Christmas.

After we opened presents Christmas morning we went to Wendi's to open gifts with Jonathan's family. I LOVE Christmas Day with them. We open gifts and then just have a lazy day playing games, eating, and laying around. It is perfect!!!

Jonathan was off a lot through Christmas and we LOVED it. A few days after Jonathan's parents left we went to their house in Alabama. We celebrated New Year's Eve with his extended family playing BINGO and then New Years Day his Nana cooked lunch (which was amazing) and his brother and his family came over to spend the afternoon. It was such a sweet time. Jonathan and I both love family so much. I hope we enstill that in Jon David!